PhotobucketI’ve had the joy and the blessing of not only watching my husband be a loving father to his three older children, but also to see him try to be better and better for them everyday. He’s reflective and goes to the Word. His heart is open to their feedback, and to mine. I’ve often said that if I had not seen Scott be such a thoughtful father I wouldn’t have had the courage to bring a child or children into this world… leaving Cambria and Julia unborn.

Our conversations and prayers lasted years as to whether we were supposed to have more children. Through those times I grew a great deal while also learning so much more about Scott. I faced my own fears and strengthened in my faith to trust someone other than myself. God used every one of those days to lead us to the beautiful family we have right now.

I couldn’t imagine three older children loving their baby sisters any more… even our son, who desperately wanted a brother!! I can only say they follow his example of the patience and kindness that Scott has displayed for them everyday. His older children know without a doubt that their dad’s love is unending… just like God’s. They have no fears that they have or will ever become anything less is his eyes because we have brought two more children into our family.

God gave us the perfect recipe for growing our family through embryo adoption, in that the older children have been able to be involved since the beginning and we all feel as if we’ve adopted together. It’s only strengthened our family rather than create divides. It’s a sentiment that Scott and I talked about quite a bit and made a conscious effort to translate to the big kids, but the inspiration came from God… we’re all brothers and sisters in God’s kingdom.

I love our family… we call it the Splendid Blended Family… and it all came to be from the courage and vision my husband has had as a father and to step out on faith, trusting that God would lead us through. Scott never expected to have five children, but he stepped with obedience onto the path God placed before us when He introduced us to embryo adoption. Already having three beautiful children, and quite frankly being personally fulfilled as a father, Scott opened his heart and completely embraced whatever God had prepared for us next… and I know without a doubt he wouldn’t change a thing… he loves our little miracles with all his heart. I thank God for him, as well as my precious little girls, everyday.

I love you sweetheart. Thank you for bringing our babies, two more of God’s precious children, into this world… He is very pleased. Happy Father’s Day.

1 Chronicles 29:17 I know, my God, that you test the heart and are pleased with integrity. All these things I have given willingly and with honest intent. And now I have seen with joy how willingly your people who are here have given to you.


PhotobucketAs Cambria and Julia continue to grow, it’s so exciting to watch their individual personalities begin to take shape. I find myself wondering what they are going to be like at different stages… what will they each enjoy doing, what foods will they each like, how will they each interact with people, what will they each excel at, how will they each deal with different circumstances. The list goes on.

What struck me the other day is I’ve never pondered these things with an overlay of ‘well, they are adopted so they are bound to be different from Scott and me, and our three other children.’ It’s the age-old nature vs. nurture.

People who have adopted, experiencing first-hand, have told me that there is a strong nature component to personalities… the whole family will enjoy something except for the adopted child. Maybe there is some truth to that, particularly depending on how old the child was when he or she joined their family… our girls were little droplets of water with a tiny number of cells. However, we see a combination of similarities but also differences among even our three older children.

They all love sports, but for very different reasons and it shows in the sports they have each chosen to play. Our oldest loves softball, it’s a perfect mix of team sport and plenty of time on the bench to socialize while her team is at bat. Our middle child loves soccer… not a lot of talking, just running, running, running with teamwork played out with the feet. And the youngest loves a mix of sports, just like his dad did. It’s all about mastering something new.

Maybe Cambria and Julia will select a similar or different sport, maybe they’ll choose music… that not a one of us has but would be lovely… maybe they’ll choose dance or debate.

I think what we’ve concluded is, when there are differences with our two youngest children we won’t immediately ascribe them to the manner in which they were brought into this world. We will let them know they can pursue anything they’d like and become anyone they want to be, and we will embrace them for that.

The family is already demonstrating that mindset… it’s often been chuckled in the living room or at the kitchen table regarding something the babies have done… “just like a LaSorsa!” or “they definitely have the LaSorsa genes!” Furthermore, we’re not only excited to teach them but also to learn from our little babies in return… just like Scott and I have learned so much from our first three children. The only thing I pray for is that they develop a heart for Christ, include their faith in everything they do, and develop fully all the gifts and talents God has given them so they may share them with others.

One thing’s for sure though, we definitely have two more LaSorsa fish in the family!!

1 Corinthians 12: 4-6 There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. 5 There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. 6 There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work.

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PhotobucketAlthough tomorrow we will celebrate Mothers Day as my first, I’ve actually felt a special feeling on this day for quite some time. It’s been seven Mothers Days since my husband asked me to love and help him raise his three beautiful children. I have taken that responsibility to heart, and he has recognized me every year on this day. I gave my life not only to him when we married, but also to all that he had given his life to, and that most definitely was his children. Our marriage would not be if I had not realized that undeniable fact from the very beginning.

I became a mother then, not in the conventional way, not because Scott’s children didn’t have a mother, but because I made a commitment to put their needs above my own for the sake of the love I had for their father, my husband. The giving birth piece was never really relevant to me.

Now this year, even with a birth, I have become a mother in a unique way… and I love it all the same. What makes this year special is I have five children I have devoted my life to and love with all my heart… six with my niece, Kayla!!! I wouldn’t trade my station in life with anyone. I feel God has blessed me with a heart that is so open as to have only immense appreciation for all He has graced me with.

So on this day, I want to thank all the donor couples that have put the needs of their embryos above any fears they may have of another couple being mom and dad. This makes you awesome parents. And I want to thank my husband, who shared my faith, in that by following God’s path our family would become only more special. I love being mommy and daddy with you!! Proverbs 31:10, 25-30

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PhotobucketToday is one of the most special days of the year for those who are Christians. Although in the last few days of His life, the apostles were beside themselves with trepidation at the thought of Christ leaving them, He consoled them that this is actually a time of great joy. In John 14, Christ promised that He was not leaving us as orphans but rather going on to be with our Father to prepare for us a place in heaven and that our Father would send us in His place a mighty Counselor who will be with us and in us always.

I love reading John 14 on Good Friday… especially today, with all that God has given to our family during the past year. The week before last Easter, Scott and I traveled with a small group from our church to Central Asia for a mission trip. During that time we had been praying that soon our adoption would be finalized and we would be pregnant… this trip would be the last opportunity for a long time. The week was glorious and when we returned home the night before Easter we felt as if we had only been away about five minutes… every moment of that week was a pure testimony to God.

Scott and I awoke early on Easter Sunday, attended sunrise service and spent the rest of the day with family. The next morning we received an unexpected phone call we’ll never forget. The NEDC had just received a cancellation and since Scott and I were local they were calling to ask if we could take the appointment for the next day to finalize our adoption and begin the transfer process. We told them we’d be there in 15 minutes if they needed us to be!!

The rest is wonderful history. That’s how we received Cambria Genevieve and Julia Grace, the exact two precious little girls our family was meant to have. What’s amazing about this Easter is it falls on April 24th, the first time in almost 200 years Easter has been so late in the year. It is also my sister, Julie’s, birthday… Julia’s namesake.

When Scott and I were in the operating room seven weeks ago and Julia was pulled from my womb second, after she gave her little yelp our doctor said “oh, look at that little birthmark on her back”. I couldn’t see it them, but right in the middle of her lower back is a reddish stork-bite type birthmark that looks like a symmetrical jig saw puzzle piece… or if you look closer, a little set of wings. We consider it even further proof that she is an angel sent to us by God… our second bonus baby girl, named after my sister in heaven and God’s immeasurable grace. Christ has not left us, nor has he left Cambria and Julia orphans… God brought us all together beautifully as only He can do.

As I sit here typing thankfully and listening to our girls gurgle and grunt in their sleep, I am filled with the joy that Christ promised us all. Happy Easter. John 14:28


PhotobucketOur precious daughters were born two weeks ago this morning. It’s amazing how our lives have changed and how all of our focus has been turned to our family. The big kids are home on Spring Break and we’ve all had the chance to bond, just like I prayed we would.

Two weeks ago yesterday at my OB appointment we decided to test the girls’ lungs to get a base line of how close the babies were to being ready to be born. My body was giving signs that we shouldn’t go much longer. One of our doctors did the amnio and I waited in the observation room on monitors to make sure the procedure didn’t trigger labor. About an hour later, two of our doctors came into the room in a rush with big smiles asking, “did you eat anything this morning?” I had. They were trying to determine if the girls could be born that afternoon, as I needed eight hours of fasting before the anesthesia for the c-section. The girls’ lung score needed to be 50 or greater to be born, we were hoping for a number in the 40s and to perhaps start steroids… but our little miracles scored a 63!!

Shortly after, our medical team decided to schedule the c-section for the next morning… Saturday, March 5th, 2011. Scott and I went home to a quiet evening. We were prepared. We left the house the next morning at 7:30 am.

The delivery was smooth and calm. There were over a dozen doctors and nurses in the operating room. The girls were born one minute apart, the name Cambria given to the oldest and Julia to her younger sister. One of our anesthesiologists volunteered for photo duty and did a beautiful job. Both girls cried immediately at birth, music to our ears. They passed all their tests and were brought to the post op recovery room with us.

Within an hour of the delivery, in post op, I had some serious bleeding complications. It seemed as if without a word, the entire team of doctors and nurses reconvened at my bedside, and again, calmly took care of me. I was pretty much oblivious to what was going on, fortunately my anesthetic was still in effect. Scott however, had to watch the steps that had to be taken to stop the bleeding. His face didn’t show it, but days later when I asked him to explain what happened to me, he did so with noticeable fear in his eyes. When the bleeding was finally under control, the doctors had told him I had lost 3 liters of blood… the adult human body carries about 5.6 liters… I had lost over half of my blood.

We spent four days in the hospital with the girls. There’s really no preparation for giving birth to two preemie babies, born small and then watching them lose weight, as all newborns do. It was difficult for me, in addition to my recovery. Scott was my rock, and we talked everything through. We decided to get night nurse help, so I could be assured of some solid sleep through my recovery and the babies would have around the clock attention. God blessed us again in that we found a lovely young lady who started the second night we were home. She’s a nursing student whose grandmother has been a caregiver to newborns for years and has taught her so much. She’s saving for a mission trip with her church to Africa this summer, and we are so pleased to help her make that dream come true.

Cambria has turned the corner the last few days, starting to wake up and eat well on her own hunger cues. Julia is still like a little bird who constantly wants to sleep and needs to be coddled to eat in small amounts. The pediatrician… and my husband with his wonderful parenting instincts, tell me she should turn the corner as well soon.

Our girls are here with us in this world. We praise God for His blessings on us and are completely in love.

Cambria Genevieve LaSorsa ~ March 5th, 2011 @ 10:10 am
5 lbs 11 oz & 18.5 inches

Julia Grace LaSorsa ~ March 5th, 2011 @ 10:11 am
5 lbs 3 oz & 18.5 inches

2 Corinthians 12:9 But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.


PhotobucketYesterday was an extraordinarily difficult day. We’re finishing week 35 today and guesstimating at least 11 lbs of baby rolling around in there. Just what we prayed for, plump babies that stay in as long as possible… so no complaints, but comfort has a very narrow window in all that.

What’s keeping me focused is God’s glorious grace. It could be a lot easier right now carrying just one baby, but that would mean the obvious… one of our daughters would not have developed to be brought into this world… and that would be devastating, everyday. Last evening I let that thought replace the physical pain, and knew in a heartbeat I would always choose the path we’re on now.

We’re not much of a TV household… too much activity usually, but last night Scott put on American Idol… something I could listen to with my eyes closed. One of the contestants sang “Hero” by Mariah Carey. Fourteen years ago that was the song my sister Jennifer and I used to finish a mix tape (remember those??) we made for our sister, Julie, when she started chemotherapy… a collection of songs to inspire her to push through, and to know that we were always thinking of her. I pulled from Julie’s example last night as she did from the example of Christ… in knowing that His glorious prize awaits just around the corner. Philippians 1:29


PhotobucketMy niece, Kayla, and I were chatting today about a whole bunch of stuff. I told her I could see limbs just pressing out from the inside of my belly, like the babies were trying to kick their way out. If I pushed back on a knee or elbow it would just move around to another spot. Kayla said it reminded her of how chicks use their beaks to peck through the shell of their eggs. Now that would be a miraculous birth!! Thank goodness there’s not going to be three of them, I think two is about all I can handle!!

12 more days! Love you sweetheart!!!!


PhotobucketWe started week 35 and had our weekly OB / ultrasound this morning. Everything continues to appear perfectly healthy with our babies… praise God. They weren’t measured this week, but should be close to 5.0 to 5.5 lbs each. The last several days I had sensed that they’re moving less, but didn’t freak out about it… I figured there’s getting to be less and less room to move around in there as we get closer to the their births. Sure enough, the ultrasound tech had to get the “buzzer”… that was a new one on Scott and me! She saw movements and the heartbeats were just fine, but she wanted to see each baby specifically move their diaphragms as if they were taking a breath… this is a test as a precursor to when they’re breathing air in a couple of weeks. Daddy and Mommy held our breath in anticipation, but are pleased to report that both girls passed quickly and with flying colors!!

This morning’s appointment was a nice touch to what has been an extraordinary week. Scott’s been in CA all week, he flew home again on the red eye last night to make it back in time for our appointment… he had about four minutes at the house before we had to head to the hospital… bless his heart. I know what it feels like to have to be away when all you want to do is be home with your loved ones. His father went into the hospital unexpectedly on Wednesday. I was able to spend quite a bit of time with him and Rosie that day, giving Scott a full update, but it’s never like being there yourself. More good news this morning though, Mike is back home and they believe his ailments are being caused by an intestinal infection that can be treated with a heavy dose of antibiotics rather than related to his cancer. Another praise God.

Scott also had to suffer the 2,500 mile distance this week with me being in and out of doctors offices myself… thankfully not our OB though. For the last few weeks I have been having sporadic and seemingly unrelated symptoms. They were all head / sinus related and on the surface appeared to be signaling pre-eclampsia but my blood pressure hasn’t been anywhere near high. I’ve had significant fluid in my nasal passages since the beginning of pregnancy, but in the last few weeks it seems to have escalated deep in my head with more severe headaches and difficulty sleeping at night. We’ve discussed the symptoms with our nurse practitioner a few times, but again, in the absence of high blood pressure she didn’t think they were directly pregnancy related… it’s a known phenomenon that pregnancy can exacerbate any rhinitis issues and there are not many traditional medications that are considered safe for the baby/ies so mom just suffers through to delivery.

This had been my plan of action until last weekend, when I started getting an incredibly loud sound in my left ear… like a flock of Canadian Geese overhead! I called our NP on Monday morning and she advised a visit to my PCP, which I did Tuesday morning. As had been the case in the other three PCP visits during this pregnancy for sinus issues, there was no sign of infection but she did suggest a steroidal nasal spray this time to open everything up. She decided against a neurologist evaluation at this time because they’d want to start with a CT evaluation, and we wouldn’t want to do that until after the births. Given that we’re pretty far along in the pregnancy though, our OB approved the steroid nose spray (turns out our NP has been on one for her entire pregnancy, for allergies).

My PCP also suggested I wash my ear out with water using one of those blue suctioners typically used on babies’ noses because she saw a hair on my left eardrum… makes sense that could be causing vibrations and the strange constant sounds. And she suggested a physical therapist for my sore upper neck / headaches as she thought they were tension related.

Thank God I was afraid to irrigate my own ear and made an appointment with an ENT, because about five hours before that appointment for yesterday afternoon I realized I really did needed a specialist. I have to share all these details, because what all my seemingly unrelated symptoms were leading to was a pinched nerve that controls the muscles on each side of the face. In the shower yesterday morning, I realized that although it appeared to be closed (with no light penetrating) I couldn’t close my right eye completely to prevent water from coming in. Afterward, looking in the mirror, I could tell a difference in my smile on the right side. I did my research on the Internet and learned about this little nerve (the 7th cranial nerve) that has to fit through a tiny hole in the skull behind each ear to reach the facial muscles. This nerve can get tweaked, either through trauma, stress, a virus like Lyme Disease or… cranial pressure from prolonged congestion. Turns out, pregnant woman have a three-times higher prevalence than the average population… usually from pre-eclampsia, but even in the absence of high blood pressure there can be isolated chronic cranial swelling in pregnancy.

The ENT had a look of non-surprise on his face as he shook his head and said, “yep, I’ve seen this before”. He removed the hair but said the sound in my ear would continue until the cranial pressure was relieved. He prescribed an oral steroid (which my OB approved over the phone before I ever got to the ENT, because with the facial component, he had figured on the diagnosis)… but there is no prognosis, everyone response differently. The ENT said likely, even with steroids now that I had been having the headaches for a few weeks, nothing would resolve until at least after delivery… then it could be spontaneous or a matter of months. He asked me to call if I saw a marked decrease in function, which if it was going to happen should occur in the next week.

Last night when I finally settled down after dinner, I started thinking about what I heard during the day and what it could mean short and long term. My thoughts somehow miraculously turned to my sister, Julie… and instead of worrying or feeling sorry for myself, instead I giggled at the fact that this is yet another thing I get to experience with her… albeit 13 years apart. I am blessed to always have a sense that she is with me, even after her death, and that my life is a small part of an extension of hers given how she affected me so profoundly in her last couple years of life. At her diagnoses, she presented with 17 brain metastases. Eventually, one of them became so large and was pressing on vital nerves that it had to be removed. Back then I didn’t know the specifics, but it was located just above one of her ears and was altering her facial muscles on that side… I suddenly realized we both have had 7th cranial nerve issues!! And it was as if she was peaking to me, saying everything’s going to be ok. God has a wonderful way of bringing us back to what really matters. So far, my effects have been much less dramatic and will hopefully be resolved shortly after the birth… and gift… of two beautiful baby daughters. But I am left with the indelible memory of my beautiful sister, who faced every challenge… even her changed facial expression and baldness!! with the greatest grace and faith I have ever been blessed to witness… and I was with her often times 24×7… a person can’t fake it for that long!! She never withdrew, she never gave up, she never held her head down… she knew none of that mattered, only her salvation though Christ Jesus.

I’m also blessed with a husband and three wonderful children by marriage, who have all said today in one-way shape or form, “it’s really not that noticeable”. I’m so thankful for them, for the example of my sister, Julie, and that this symptom has absolutely no impact on our babies… now, if I can only get these geese out of my head so I can get a decent night’s sleep!! Job 7:18


PhotobucketA couple of weeks ago I mentioned that Scott and I had invited a photographer, Jason Davis, into our home for the first of two photo shoots… this one to capture the ‘anticipation’ (and my belly!) before the babies arrive, the second one will capture the ‘innocence delivered’ and amazement of our family just after their births. The inspiration came from a comment Scott had made recently of wanting a professional photo or two of the babies just after their births along with seeing beautiful photos Jason had taken for friends of ours who recently had their first child. I consider it just another example of how God is weaving our story together so perfectly, like the many other circumstances He has laid before us that we can trace since our first consideration of embryo adoption.

Scott and I received the link to our anticipation proofs about a week ago and began deciding which ones we wanted to have as portraits within the house, so the twins will always have a visualization of where they came from… I am so thrilled that this phase of our pregnancy didn’t escape us before God gave us the epiphany to capture it. In sending the proofs to family and friends, we received so many comments back on how beautiful they were… not only because Jason does an excellent job with lighting and composition, but also because it’s impossible not to see our joy for bringing these two precious lives fully into this world.

I think my Aunt Eileen summed it up best when she described the ‘peacefulness’ she saw in Scott and me. Scott and I feel blessed for having learned early in our marriage that true peace could only come from seeking then finding God and following His will for our shared lives. We can say with certainty that our peace is authentic and a true gift from above… something we look forward to passing on to all of our children.

Another element to the perfect peace we’ve been blessed with is the continued reassurance on how the twins are thriving. We just started our 34th week and had a check-up today where we received more exciting news… the girls continue to grow bigger and stronger. By estimation, one is 4 ½ lbs and the other is just one ounce shy of 5 lbs!! That’s 30 and 56 percentile respectively… and compared to singletons!! Their heartbeats both remain strong and one of the babies even completely flipped its position in the last three weeks.

I am in awe as to how my body… and theirs… have maintained such a pregnancy so far. The feelings are still so vivid, at how in the early weeks I just prayed they’d get to a point where they could be born, even if they had to be sustained with an extended stay in the NICU. Now, this morning, with our nurse practitioner we scheduled an OR for delivery three weeks from today!! We’ll have their lung development tested the day before, and if it follows suit with their growth so far, they’ll be in our arms the next day!! Isaiah 26:3-4

(PHOTOS: The portrait of happy Mommy and Daddy that will adorn the twins’ nursery; Scott selected for his office the portrait of me sitting peacefully in a chair by a window loving our daughters already.)


PhotobucketScott and I just returned home from our 32nd week check-up. Praise God, everything is still good, but we’re getting to the end… we were told we’ve “graduated” to once weekly check-ups and some early signs that my body and the babies are getting ready for their big day.

I had a sense throughout this past week that my blood pressure was going up a bit again. Sure enough, it’s up 15 points, but the doctors aren’t too worried because I’m usually blessed with low blood pressure… at about 115/70. As long as I stay below 140/90 I’m considered “normal”. We’ve ordered an in-home monitor to make sure it doesn’t take a sudden turn north before next Friday’s appointment.

They also thought I looked a bit “puffy”, even though Scott said he didn’t see it… it could be my lips, I asked Scott and the kids last night at dinner if they looked a little Botox-y!! I hadn’t gained any weight since my last appointment two weeks ago… actually, I lost about a ½ pound plus the girls have likely gained ½ to 1 pound each, so there’s no signs of retaining fluids yet but that’s also something to watch. If I suddenly start gaining weight and experiencing escalating blood pressure, that would signal preeclampsia, which would trigger steroid shots for a couple of days to rapidly develop the babies’ lungs and then a scheduled c-section. None of this would be unexpected for twins or a 40+ pregnancy, but we’ve been praying to fend that off for about 3 – 4 more weeks.

Gauging where we’re at with pre-partum signals is important, you see, because I have the exact date picked out for when I would like the babies to be born… four weeks from today. It’s not for numerology sake (like how weddings skyrocketed on 09/09/09) but rather so the babies would be born the first weekend of the kids’ Spring Break… which would be about a week pre-term, but likely still allow them to come home when I would that Monday morning and then we’d all have that week together as a family to bond.

Scott giggles a bit at my planning, but secretly I know he’s come to appreciate… and even respect it… I’m known for coming pretty close to my mark. When that does happen it’s usually because I’ve added in the necessary prayers as well, which we’ve definitely been doing throughout this pregnancy, as have family and friends on our behalf. We haven’t been praying for a specific date per se but rather for healthy babies and a happy family.

This started me thinking this week about how these days are the easy part of parenting… having three other children ages 8, 11 and 13 has only put into perspective for Scott and me what the full application of parenting really is. Right now, if I sleep and eat well (which Scott monitors both beautifully!) and stay in-tune with the signals my body is sending, we will have done everything we can to bring these babies into the world with the best chances of success. But once they’re here, there are thousands of things that influence them… and that’s when the power of a praying parent really begins. We have to plant the right seeds early, before the shaping of their character is ever tested… we have to be in-tune with the signals in their lives and start course-correcting before they’re making their own decisions… we have to prepare their hearts to know and love Jesus.

A couple of years ago, when our hearts concluded that we were to adopt and bring suspended life into this world, Scott and I prayed for the strength and wisdom to rear that child or children to glorify God. We knew that was our purpose… that their lives would be a manifestation of God’s will to fulfill His rendition of what a perfect world should be. At a prayer service last year at our church we walked forward in acknowledgement that our children are really God’s children and we are simply His stewards, ultimately God could use them in any way for His purpose and when He reveals that to us we would do our part to direct and support our children. I’ve even begun praying for their future spouses and marriages. We may not know yet the men they will marry, but God does… just as we didn’t have even a remote idea of these babies twenty years ago, but God knew they would be ours and the exact date of their births. Proverbs 22:6